About This Blog

I am a big fan of cats and of firefighters, and also a big fan of keeping your commitment to your pet (the one where you agree to keep your pet healthy and safe). And a complete sucker for picture of a firefighter rescuing an animal — it doesn’t even have to be a cat.

My cat says my primary job is to ensure the health, safety, and comfort of my cat, and I try to sneak in some photographs of him when he’s being particularly gracious about it.

[ Visit this photo on Flickr | See more Lotus Bun ]

Do you know the source?

I try to determine the source for every photo I post, and most are from news stories, which I link to. If I post something unsourced, and you recognize it, please let me know! I am also happy to change source information that is in error. Comments on posts are moderated, but they are all reviewed. Thank you!