Training Exercise Gone Rescue

By: Caitlin Burke

Mar 17 2009

Category: rabbits

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We agreed that we had a clear duty to act. This victim, in mortal peril, was a legal resident of our fire district. More than that, he was our next-door neighbor. His family had probably burrowed here on the station’s property for fifteen generations. Besides, he had been minding his own business, snoozing peacefully, until we ruined his day. We owed him. Next, we evaluated our resources: Ten firefighters trained in vehicle extrication, wearing heavy turnout gear and helmets. One big, shiny rescue engine. Thousands of bucks worth of hydraulic extrication tools, electric saws, hand tools, and a new set of bracing equipment. One twelve-ounce bunny. Yeah, we could handle this. (Nov 2008) —Photo credit not given in article.

[ Source for the rest of this adorable story ]

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